Man Walking down Corridor

Being a Paranormal Investigator

One day in 2017, I went for a routine doctor’s appointment, and after the issues of the day were discussed, the doctor looked at me and said, “I really need to ask you a question, I am sorry but I am just so curious.” I remember my stomach falling as I anticipated something surrounding the medical issue of which we were previous discussing. “Go on” I replied.

“What’s it like to become a Paranormal Investigator and how did you get involved”.

“Wow” I said allowed, taken aback by the conversation starter.

“Um, it is not something I asked for” clearing my thoughts, “It happened after experiencing a series of strange events in 2013, and I wanted to help others the way I had received help, since then it become a passion”

Many people of all walks of life have asked me this question over the years, so Richard (from Paranormal Now) and I decided to put together a playlist of different videos we have done surrounding the topics of being a medium, Psychic and Paranormal investigator.

Some of which are our own experiences, others are interviews with other investigators. All showcasing evidence we have captured.

So if your thinking of heading down this rabbit hole then you may find these videos useful.