Jared conducting an itc session

ITC / Conversations with Jonathan.

What is ITC

ITC or Interdimensional trans-communication (ITC) is a highly controversial paranormal investigation technique very similar to EVP or Electronic Voice Phenomena..

So to keep things simple, the term EVP is given to an event where a voice appears on a recording of either audio or video, with no discernible source, ITC is the method of generating an EVP in real time using either a hacked radio or an App/device configured to produce an audio source of which it is said that a spirit or being can manipulate to give a message. This message would need to be audible and relevant to the investigation taking place. So for example if during an ITC experiment, we ask “What is your name” and the reply we get is a name, this could be considered an accurate communication event.

ITC or the advent of Paranormal voices appearing on audio recordings with no discernable source stems back to reports from the Pre world war 2 Sweedish Military, where during radio sweeps they would pick up disembodied voices which were of duel language, a phrase for example which would start in English and then finish in German. They initially believed this to be a form of Nazi code of which was debunked after World War 2 when the phenomena continued to be documented.

The idea of spirit voices appearing on recordings stem back as far as Testla, who is said to have documented such phenomena, however it has been a staple of paranormal investigations for decades and was used in such cases as the enfield hauntings and the schole group experiments. It is said that a spirit has the ability to manipulate the ambient background noise of a recording. These recordings are sorted into various classes, where Class A is extrememly audible and recognisable to others which are open for some debate.

In the 1970s the idea of using radios, and other forms of communication equipment (including the humble telephone), was heavily picked up by researchers in scandinavian countries, Konstantinis Rauidive, published his experiments in a book entitled “Breakthrough” in the 1970s where he captured the voices of several possible ghosts and spirits, including the deceased famous british Prime Minister Winston Churchill. You can hear some of these recordings on the video below.

During the 70s to the 90s several other researchers developed various ways and means of communicating with spirit through these devices, and documented several results, for example in a 1990s interview, Raymond Cass, a british researcher found that the space in which a spirit needed to be in relation to the device could be very small, and 2 people with 2 devices stood side by side could have various different responses.

The ghost box become more prevalent in western culture back in the 2000s with the advent of the Joes box, and then the development of such tools and the PSB7 Spirit box. The research has since been taken up by researchers such as Stephen Huff from Huff paranormal who has worked with various groups to develop more digital alternatives using online radio or sound banks which can give much clearer responses.

My interest in ITC

For me personally, I was drawn into ITC by accident, during a nights investigation in the grounds near Castle Coch in South Wales a fellow investigator started a session, where I was given a direct and clear message from what I believe to be my brother who passed away in 1999. The message said that I would over time use these devices as a tool to understand more about the paranormal and the spirit world.

It has now been over 10 years since that night and we have conducted hundreds of experiments which will be showcased on this site in various forms. The results have been compelling but also varied, with some sessions being crystal clear and others more open for debate, all however have given personal and sometimes more far reaching understanding that there is more to this side of life than meets the eye. Some of the sessions have given us responses on things like;

  • World Politics
  • The Mandela Effect
  • UFOlogy
  • Psychology
  • World History
  • Folklore traditions and religion

I will go more in depth with the various articles and videos which are shared on this site, so for more information please check the articles in my blog, which will be updated periodically.

Close to home.

For me personally some of the most profound experiences with ITC have come through conversations with my brother Jonathan, who I have come to work with after his passing in 1999.

Some of the responses Jonathan has given, have been absolutely astounding, and have helped me through some of the darkest periods in my life. The series of videos below, detail some of these experiences, including conversations that took place throughout the Covid19 Pandemic.

There are some further examples I did with Jonathan in these videos surrounding the death of Queen Elizabeth the 2nd and the 2022 Budget and cost of living crisis.

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