Alien face from the Council of 12 appeared during a private investigation.

ITC, The Council of 12

To be honest, I still don’t know if I believe it, even though I experienced every event, fully present in every moment, the story of the Council of 12 is quite literally out of this world.

It began, one night in august of 2013, when lying in bed. We had been experiencing Paranormal activity for several weeks and my partner and I were firmly confident that we had finally resolved the situation. Yet there I was, lying wide awake in my bed staring at the outline of a being in my doorway.

As the translucent shape come closer towards me, I could see that it was a being resembling a tall white alien I had read about in unexplained books in the 1990s. I nudged my partner awake and nervously asked her if she could see the same thing, and she pointed a second being materialising in the other corner of the room.

Our meeting with the Council of 12 as told by Steve White from Strange but true takes

The beings communicated with us telepathically, They showed us images, concerning humanity, and postulated a strange question. “If a baby is crying on a bus, why do some people get annoyed by the noise, do they not know that baby is in pain, and expressing that pain the only way it knows how?”

Richard and Jared discuss the Paranormal with the hosts of Dead Creepy

After this experience, I would go on to connect with Richard Oliver from Paranormal Now Investigations Wales, who had his own encounter with these beings. A short month later they would communicate with us again using during a series of Paranormal experiments.


Throughout the next few years Richard and I would work together providing help for people in the South Wales area who were having Paranormal activity in their homes and businesses. We also put on a series of events we called Voices from the Spirit world. During both investigations and events we would use ITC equipment. A way using technology to communicate with spirit. (I explain more about ITC here). We noticed that the chatter on the devices we were using was always lively, and would later come to realise that these were messages from the Council of 12 and other spiritual groups including my brother Jonathan.

Richard and Jared talk with the late Kevin Baker about the Council of 12

It was at this point that we decided to embark upon a series of controlled experiments, performed live on the internet, to test these devices and see what communication we could bring through from Spirit, the results of which were unbelievable, with information coming through predicting the future, talking about the Bible, God and Jesus, World events, ancient history, modern history and much more. We are still working on these transcripts to this day as there is so much information.

You Saw What?

One of the craziest experiences we had with the Council of 12 involved a series of UFO sightings around Richards house, which were predicted by the ITC responses.

After transcribing a session from a recent case, I uncovered a section where they spoke of Richard filming UFO in the wood behind his house. They said that this sighting is connecting to them. I had not spoken to Richard for a few weeks as we were busy with our respective projects and at the time he had actually moved into a new property. When I rang him to inform him of my find, he explained to me that he had actually captured the UFO on camera the night before. Richard would continue to capture the activity behind his home for several months, including witnessing the UFO interact with a helicopter. A clip that we would have analysed by an aviation expert who deemed it to be authentic.

To take a look deeper into our work with the Council of 12, please take a look at our playlist here. More information will be published in the coming months in the blog section of this website.

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