Jared WaltersSpiritual Reader, Paranormal Investigator and content creator. LET'S DO THIS :)
ITC, The Council of 12
To be honest, I still don’t know if I believe it, even though I experienced every event, fully present in every moment, the story of the Council of 12 is quite literally out of this world.
It began, one night in august of 2013, when lying in bed. We had been experiencing Paranormal activity for several weeks and my partner and I were firmly confident that we had finally resolved the situation. Yet there I was, lying wide awake in my bed staring at the outline of a being in my doorway.
As the translucent shape come closer towards me, I could see that it was a being resembling a tall white alien I had read about in unexplained books in the 1990s. I nudged my partner awake and nervously asked her if she could see the same thing, and she pointed a second being materialising in the other corner of the room.
Our meeting with the Council of 12 as told by Steve White from Strange but true takes
The beings communicated with us telepathically, They showed us images, concerning humanity, and postulated a strange question. “If a baby is crying on a bus, why do some people get annoyed by the noise, do they not know that baby is in pain, and expressing that pain the only way it knows how?”
Richard and Jared discuss the Paranormal with the hosts of Dead Creepy
After this experience, I would go on to connect with Richard Oliver from Paranormal Now Investigations Wales, who had his own encounter with these beings. A short month later they would communicate with us again using during a series of Paranormal experiments.
Throughout the next few years Richard and I would work together providing help for people in the South Wales area who were having Paranormal activity in their homes and businesses. We also put on a series of events we called Voices from the Spirit world. During both investigations and events we would use ITC equipment. A way using technology to communicate with spirit. (I explain more about ITC here). We noticed that the chatter on the devices we were using was always lively, and would later come to realise that these were messages from the Council of 12 and other spiritual groups including my brother Jonathan.
Richard and Jared talk with the late Kevin Baker about the Council of 12
It was at this point that we decided to embark upon a series of controlled experiments, performed live on the internet, to test these devices and see what communication we could bring through from Spirit, the results of which were unbelievable, with information coming through predicting the future, talking about the Bible, God and Jesus, World events, ancient history, modern history and much more. We are still working on these transcripts to this day as there is so much information.
You Saw What?
One of the craziest experiences we had with the Council of 12 involved a series of UFO sightings around Richards house, which were predicted by the ITC responses.
After transcribing a session from a recent case, I uncovered a section where they spoke of Richard filming UFO in the wood behind his house. They said that this sighting is connecting to them. I had not spoken to Richard for a few weeks as we were busy with our respective projects and at the time he had actually moved into a new property. When I rang him to inform him of my find, he explained to me that he had actually captured the UFO on camera the night before. Richard would continue to capture the activity behind his home for several months, including witnessing the UFO interact with a helicopter. A clip that we would have analysed by an aviation expert who deemed it to be authentic.
To take a look deeper into our work with the Council of 12, please take a look at our playlist here. More information will be published in the coming months in the blog section of this website.
SHOCKING PARANORMAL EVIDENCE of Alternate realities, Alien Contact and life after death to amaze you
Tonight and for the benefit of those of you who have recently joined our community we wanted to present a show that gave you all the insight into our amazing ...journey into the Paranormal, including our encounters with the Council of 12, how it all began and where it all goes from here.
In this video we talk about
The meditations where Richard first met the Council of 12
Jared's first meeting with the Council of 12 as they appeared in his bedroom
The original messages we had through experiments back in 2013
The message from heaven through live EVP
The initial message jared had from the ghost box.
We then discuss our various cases investigated around the Paranormal including.
Haunted homes.
Ufo sightings
Amazing paranormal pictures caught on camera
and a strange EM Signal found in various places seemingly throughout the world.
We will then discuss the Now investigations experiments and the amazing messages we have had through instrumental transcommunication (ITC) and electronic Voice phenomena (EVP) Messages about life on earth, the spirit world and the spiritual awakening of humanity
We will hen talk about the breadown, how this journey had made us feel and why we both had to step back
Leading finally to the UFO foretold by a ghost box session appearing on multiple occasions outside Richards house.
This is going to be an action packed evening hope you enjoy.
SHOCKING PARANORMAL EVIDENCE of Alternate realities, Alien Contact and life after death to amaze you
Tonight and for the benefit of those of you who have recently joined ...
Tonight and for the benefit of those of you who have recently joined our community we wanted to present a show that gave you all the insight into our amazing ...journey into the Paranormal, including our encounters with the Council of 12, how it all began and where it all goes from here.
In this video we talk about
The meditations where Richard first met the Council of 12
Jared's first meeting with the Council of 12 as they appeared in his bedroom
The original messages we had through experiments back in 2013
The message from heaven through live EVP
The initial message jared had from the ghost box.
We then discuss our various cases investigated around the Paranormal including.
Haunted homes.
Ufo sightings
Amazing paranormal pictures caught on camera
and a strange EM Signal found in various places seemingly throughout the world.
We will then discuss the Now investigations experiments and the amazing messages we have had through instrumental transcommunication (ITC) and electronic Voice phenomena (EVP) Messages about life on earth, the spirit world and the spiritual awakening of humanity
We will hen talk about the breadown, how this journey had made us feel and why we both had to step back
Leading finally to the UFO foretold by a ghost box session appearing on multiple occasions outside Richards house.
This is going to be an action packed evening hope you enjoy.
Who are the Council of 12? A short introduction by Richard Oliver
For those of you who have followed our channel for the last few years ...
For those of you who have followed our channel for the last few years you will know that we have had communication from a group that calls themselves the Council ...of 12, who have given us information on a wide range of topics when we conducted our Now Investigations experiments back in 2017.
The divine Council of 12, or Galactic Council of 12 as they are sometimes known have been referred to in several religious and historic texts over the world, so this video serves as a short introduction for our playlist depicting the contact we have had with the Council of 12 over the last few years.[+] Show More
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Haunted houses Wales, haunted wales, paranormal wales, South Wales ...
MANDELA EFFECT PARANORMAL EXPERIMENT | MUST SEE | Connection Ascension, UFology, and more
On the 26th of June 2017 we undertook a Paranormal experiment to see ...
On the 26th of June 2017 we undertook a Paranormal experiment to see if we could understand a phenomena that has been taking the world by storm known as the ...Mandela Effect. I would if you have not already encourage you to watch the first 2 parts of this video first, which are linked in the description below, before watching this video.
In Short, we were using a device known as a ghost box to communicate with the spirit world, this technique is being used more widely these days, with some tremendous validation. Responses gained so far paraphrased are?
The Mandela effect is not caused by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at Cern, and they would have nothing to gain from shifting our reality, or perception of reality, the cause of the Mandela Effect is the ascension of human consciousness. Humanity is walking between worlds with it’s spirit. This process has happened before, but failed, and for that they are very sorry, but earth now is ready to move forward and humanity is waking up. There will be more discord the further on we go and there will be more differences.
The entities of which we were speaking to also showed concern for the investigation team.
Don’t spoil this project your undertaking, we don’t want it to get in the way of your happiness, Richard (the investigator in the middle and founder of Paranormal Now, is the balance). And referred to a message he had picked up earlier in the day through his psychic senses.
However the most interesting responses come when we asked who we were speaking with.
Humanity is born in this event, We are Star beings and live among the stars, there are many of us, we are here in this harmful realm to help those who live here, as your world is tyranny and your planet needs help, there is so much pain, and more to come, but it is worth the struggle as humanity is full of so much love. This time in history will be legendary to our forbearers as it will bring us closer to the cosmos. This is Humanities greatest chance for change. As Now we must break the leash from around our necks and find our purpose.[+] Show More
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SCD2 STAR BEINGS UPDATE | Hidden Hand, ascension, REPTILIANS Illuminati and Delores Cannon proved
On the 26th of June Live stream Paranormal Experiment – we connected ...
On the 26th of June Live stream Paranormal Experiment – we connected with entities that identified themselves as STAR BEINGS and told us about the Mandela Effect. So Shocked were ...we at what come through that we asked if there were any further messages they wanted to give during our 15th of July follow up show.
In this session we are using the SCD2 to communicate with these beings who seem to validate the works of such alternative researchers as David Icke, Delores Cannon, Simon Parkes and more. In this video they talk about the illuminate agenda and how our planet came to be in the position it is today and why there is such an awakening happening to set us free.
They talk about how earth is ruled by hidden beings which are not human, with monstrous and evil power, and why it is now so important that they fail.
Is this evidence of the Paranormal – You decide.
STAR BEINGS UPDATE | Is this a personal message from Extraterrestrial beings?
Since we began the live streams in May of 2017, we realised that we ...
Since we began the live streams in May of 2017, we realised that we were not only being contacted by spirits of loved ones, but also by other beings originating ...from elsewhere. Mainly those originating from the Stars.
Ever since our first incident during the seance of NOW INVESTIGATIONS 1 We have been having responses from these being concerning world events, the ascension process, the mandela effect and so much more.
Richard Oliver, lead investigator and founder of Paranormal Now, has had contact with these beings during meditation experiences throughout the last 15 years or so. But now after receiving this personal and empowering message, talks about his experiences and if we could actually be communicating with life beyond our Planet.[+] Show More
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During our Now Investigations 5 live stream we decided to ask during ...
During our Now Investigations 5 live stream we decided to ask during an SCD2 session about the biblical prophecy of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. To see if the ...beings we are communicating with (who to the best of our knowledge associate themselves as Star Beings) would offer any validity.
Fascinated by Prophecy we were surprised at the profound responses we received. In several cases the bible was directly referenced in paraphrase. Suggesting that not only may Jesus return in a way shape or form, or that he may already be here.
Along with the responses Paranormal Investigator Richard Oliver offers his opinion as someone who has studied the biblical prophecy and may not necessarily be biased by religion. Richard speaks of the Christ consciousness. A level of enlightenment of which we all could attain.
Describing that it is the story of the bible that is important and not the literal translation of the biblical text. Richard offers his personal belief that the second coming may come in the form of the great awakening, manifesting in one person with the desire and resources to inspire humanity with a message of how to change the world, and it is up to us to accept it.
What do you think of the Second coming, let us know in the comments below.[+] Show More
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NOW DEBATE - Have we been in Contact with Extraterrestrial beings - Debating the Evidence Part 2
So for the past few weeks we have been putting up videos of SCD2 ...
So for the past few weeks we have been putting up videos of SCD2 sessions that have given responses possessively given my alien beings from another planet.
But the evidence ...goes much deeper than this, from a possible alien abduction incident in 2013, demonic encounters, and astral encounters with beings like those described by such commentators as Delores Cannon and Simon Parkes to Ouija board sessions and much more.
In this Now Debate, We discuss the evidence, and try and figure out if we truly are PLAYING WITH FIRE., and if so what can we do about it.[+] Show More
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STAR BEING UPDATE SCD2 Suggests David Icke was Right and Aliens control the earth from the shadows.
This Video is take from our NOW INVESTIGATIONS SIX LIVE STREAM ...
Throughout the last 4 Months we have been receiving communication from entities that describe themselves as Star Beings. This Particular ...session deals with 2 things.
a) Aliens or Extraterrestrial beings are here on earth, they came here from Orion and have been here for a very long time. Does this validate the theories of such researchers as David Icke, Simon Parkes Delores Cannon and many more.
The session also talks about the Alien Council of 12 - a council of spiritually advanced non human entities that have a great loving interest of Planet Earth and aiding humanity through the ascension process.
Very similar to the entities encountered by Delores Cannon in her book keepers of the Garden, and other researchers as Linda Milton Howe.[+] Show More
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UFO’s and the bible code – Humanity awakening – A message from the Council of 12. Documentary
What have several passages from the bible, Chinese creation myths, the ...
What have several passages from the bible, Chinese creation myths, the phoenix lights, the Rendlesham forest incident, UFO sightings in Kent, and a 1950s sighting in a stadium in Florence ...Italy have in common. The answer is a connection to the awakening of humanity and an extra terrestrial council of 12, a seemingly enlightened group of beings that have been protecting planet earth for centuries, whilst helping us to advance spiritually.
Throughout 2017 we have been broadcasting a series of live streams on YouTube to connect with the spirit world, using several inter trans-communication devices or as their more commonly known as Ghost Boxes, devices that use the manipulation of radio signals and other such audio input to give direct spirit communication.
When conducting these live streams we were expecting to get responses from loved ones connected with either the investigation team or those watching at home. Instead we have consistently over 8 sessions, received information of a profound nature coming from beings that claim to be representatives of an extra terrestrial Council of 12.
The video below is taken from our Now Investigations 6 live streams where after receiving several communications from these beings we set out with the intent to contact them directly. As up until this point it was unclear who we were speaking with. It was during this live stream that they identified themselves through the device.
Here is a brief summary of some of the things they have told us during this particular session.
1) There are ET’s on earth that mean harm, they were from the Orion system, take human form and have worked in the dark for centuries manipulating human development.
2) Our religious texts have been manipulated by man over time and should be treated as code, even if the events are factual in nature, the essence of such passages of Acts 2, the story of Jericho and Ezekiel’s wheel can act as a guide for the awakening of humanity, to be understood when we reach the level of consciousness that enables us to look beyond the manipulation.
3) UFO sightings worldwide are connected, and generally these encounters are harmless.
4) The Council of 12 along with other alien species and institutions were around during the early ages of man, which corroborates the work of other researchers such as Delores Cannon, and David Icke.
5) The Annunaki are real and may reference the agents of Orion that have infiltrated Planet earth. On several occasions, the responses mention a being named Anu, who acts as a false God, and could even be the God referenced in parts of the bible, who holds power over planet earth.
6) There is a real world meaning to the Ark of the Covenant in today’s society which would be beneficial to mankind.
7) The awakening process has been attempted many times on Planet earth and has essentially failed due to numerous reasons, mostly because of the numbers of people that are spiritually in tune at any point in time. At this point we are further along as a race than we have been for some time. As more of humanity are awake than have been before.
8) The 8th of May 2018 will be a significant date in relation to the September 23rd astrological alignment, and the US eclipse of August 2017. But this is not the end of the world as some have claimed more like a energetic transformation.
9) The threat of the illuminate and New World Order is real, and something that humanity needs to resist.
10) Pope Francis aims to instigate a one world religion.
Some of these claims seem unbelievable in terms of conventional thinking, and we have always said that these claims are the opinion of the consciousness we are communicating with, but is there something to it? Well this is why we have made this documentary in order to get the opinions of a potential audience. What we can say with some conviction however is that communication with these beings has been something that has been with us for some time, as many members of our investigation team have had personal experience with these beings, through meditation, dreams and other forms of communication.
All these beings have asked of us, is that we share the experience of communicating with them and their message for humanity, that though our world is tyranny, there is so much love, and human beings are infinitely more brilliant and powerful than we ever could have realised, and if ever there was a time to tap into that power, that love, and that connection to the universe it is now.
The pictures attached to this article were taken from a recent Paranormal Investigation in South Wales, in a pub that has no connection to Extra terrestrial contact, in a 5th story window raised about 5 foot from the floor, the reflection seen in the window is not that of what was in the room, or the outside, but appears to show several figures, one of which appears very similar to that of an alien Grey.[+] Show More
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This session was conducted using the Sweep ghost box. This is the most ...
This session was conducted using the Sweep ghost box.
This is the most up to date session we have done with our friends with the Council of 12, we ...asked them for predictions for 2018, personally and for humanity. This is what they have said.
The UFO Disclosure which began in 2017 with the Tom Delong video, New York Times article of the Pentagon project to track UFOs, along with the unidentified asteroid in our Solar System. A prediction that the 8th of May is going to be really important, the awakening of humanity, must not just continue but accelorate before we are ready to face the darkness.
As with such processes we are heading into a darker time in 2018, but a darkness that will help us all to see the light of our world, and allow us to live in peace. However in order for that to happen, all the crap has to come to the surface, including the truth of our existance, our personal soverign power both indevidually and collectively, along with our connection to the stars.
The eyes of the Galaxy are upon the earth right now, and it is now that Humanity will be asked to make the choice, to break the chains of slavery or step back into the cycle as we have done before.
We know however from previous sessions that this awakening, though similar is unlike ones faced before, due to the number of people waking up so quickly, we may not be ready now, but soon we may well be.