Author: jaredwalters

Evidence of Reincarnation.

The below video playlist consists of three videos surrounding our investigations into Reincarnation. The first is recorded footage from a case where the ghost of a young girl’s past life was haunting a family, in a bizarre paranormal occurrence which seems very rare. However the evidence is compelling as the information the young girl remembered […]

Time travel & Time loops.

This is a series of videos I put together with Richard From Paranormal Now, where we discussed different time travel stories that were happening in the news. We talk about the creation of time crystals (Which you can read about here) and how scientists have viewed them interacting for the first time. In another video, […]

Being a Paranormal Investigator

One day in 2017, I went for a routine doctor’s appointment, and after the issues of the day were discussed, the doctor looked at me and said, “I really need to ask you a question, I am sorry but I am just so curious.” I remember my stomach falling as I anticipated something surrounding the […]

The Now Debate

The Now debate was a podcast started by myself and Richard Oliver from Paranormal Now. A Paranormal podcast with the premise of discussing our work and showcase the Paranormal, Spirituality, and how these relate to world events. Between 2017 and 2019 we averaged 2 shows per month, however things really kicked into high gear in […]