Jared in session

1 to 1 Readings

Psychic Readings

I was brought up to believe that a Psychic reading is about connecting with the world of spirit and gaining validation of life beyond the death of the physical body, yet, I believe it can be much more than this. When conducted in the right way, a Psychic or spiritual reading (which is the term I prefer) can offer insights into many areas of your life, help you to see the bigger picture, and provide a reasonable insight into what the next steps to take. When I work, I aim to provide all of the above.

My Experience,

I have been a reader for over 12 years now and have offered readings all over the world through my work, but also work for several Psychic phone line companies, including Psychic Sofa, Allstar Psychics, Ask the Answer, Kooma Psychics, Livelines, Mediumchat, Seventh Sense, and others.

I have been featured prominently in several publications including, Love it Magazine, Take a Break Fate and Fortune, Wales Online, and a range of Spiritual/paranormal-themed internet websites and podcasts.

I have also featured in a 2019 Documentary Movie, by Ethereal Productions called “In Search of the Dead.”

You can purchase up to 4 sessions using the form at the bottom of this page, either for yourself or for other members of your family. Just fill out the form and after payment is made, I will be in touch within 24 hours to arrange a date to conduct the reading.

Reading sessions last up to an hour and are conducted either over the phone or through your preferred video conferencing platform.

During the reading I aim to put you completely at ease, I do not ask any questions before the reading unless there is a specific something you would like me to focus on.

I encourage the asking of questions.

If we do not have a good connection within the first 15 minutes of the call, we can either re-arrange, or you are entitled to a full refund. (Refunds are not given after the first 15 minutes of the call).  

Subjects I can cover during the reading

  • Connecting with spirit.
  • Love and relationships
  • Career
  • Paranormal Activity
  • Past present and Future
  • Soul Mates and Twin Flames,
  • Self / spiritual development
  • Family and life events.

What I will not cover during a reading

  • Medical issues (I am not a doctor)
  • Health issues including Pregnancy
  • Legal Issues (I am not a Lawyer).