Jared WaltersSpiritual Reader, Paranormal Investigator and content creator. LET'S DO THIS :)
Adaptation Season 1
Are video game adaptions any good?
From Batman to Harry Potter, Lord of the rings to Star Wars, we have seen video game adaptations of movies, tv shows, books, toys, comics and a range of other media.
Since the days of the Atari 2600 we have took the reigns of our favourite fictional and non fictional protagonist through the media of video games.
But are these video games adaptations actually any good?
Well it depends on a range of factors, based on whether something is a faithful adaptation of the source material such as Batman 1989 on the NES to games which are absolutely awful cash grabs such as Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.
So I decided to test this? Developing a series of videos looking at licenced games based on other media for each system and the videos below are what comprise season One. With Season 2 hopefully coming at the end of 2024.
Are licence video games really as bad as everyone thinks?
To a point it is a matter ...of opinion but I thought that I would find out for myself by embarking on a quest to play as many of them as I can and give you guys my thoughts. As I have recently done a Lets plays for the X Files Video game on my channel, I thought I would start with games based on TV Shows which were released for the Playstation 1 Platform,
There are a lot of games on the PS1 based on TV Shows so I will be
spreading the initial chapter of this series into three videos, each covering 10 games.
In this list we will include made for TV movies that were based on original series, and that being said here are 10 games for Playstation 1 based on TV shows.
00:00 Intro
01:54 Scooby Doo Cyber Chase
04:04 Pink Panther,
05:41 Simpsons Wrestling
07:16 Spiderman
10:04 Spiderman 2 Enter Electro
12:26 Batman beyond return of the joker
14:23 Batman Gotham City Racing
15:53 Star trek invasion
18:29 Men in black Crashdown
19:46 The X Files
23:00 Closing comments[+] Show More
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Are licence video games really as bad as everyone thinks? Check out ...
Are licence video games really as bad as everyone thinks?
To a point it is a matter ...of opinion but I thought that I would find out for myself by embarking on a quest to play as many of them as I can and give you guys my thoughts. As I have recently done a Lets plays for the X Files Video game on my channel, I thought I would start with games based on TV Shows which were released for the Playstation 1 Platform,
There are a lot of games on the PS1 based on TV Shows so I will be
spreading the initial chapter of this series into three videos, each covering 10 games.
In this list we will include made for TV movies that were based on original series, and that being said here are 10 games for Playstation 1 based on TV shows.
00:00 Intro
01:54 Scooby Doo Cyber Chase
04:04 Pink Panther,
05:41 Simpsons Wrestling
07:16 Spiderman
10:04 Spiderman 2 Enter Electro
12:26 Batman beyond return of the joker
14:23 Batman Gotham City Racing
15:53 Star trek invasion
18:29 Men in black Crashdown
19:46 The X Files
23:00 Closing comments[+] Show More
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11 More Playstation 1 Games based on TV Shows.
Are licence video games really as bad as everyone thinks? Check out ...
Are licence video games really as bad as everyone thinks?
To a point it is a matter ...of opinion but I thought that I would find out for myself by embarking on a quest to play as many of them as I can and give you guys my thoughts. As I have recently done a Lets plays for the X Files Video game on my channel, I thought I would start with games based on TV Shows which were released for the Playstation 1 Platform,
There are a lot of games on the PS1 based on TV Shows so I will be
spreading the initial chapter of this series into three videos, each covering 10 games.
In this list we will include made for TV movies that were based on original series, and that being said here are 11 more Ps1 Games based on Tv shows
00:00 Introduction
01:40 Tintin Destination Adventure
03:55 The Flinstones Bedrock Bowling
07:22 World's Scariest Police Chases
09:17 Poll for upcoming videos
09:45 Extreme Ghostbusters Ultimate Invasion
12:39 Sabrina the Teenage Witch
14:39 Spongebob Squarepants Supersponge
16:32 Shameless plug
17:13 South Park Rally
19:26 Chef's love shack
20:52 South Park the Game
23:07 Xena Warrior Princess
25:13 Tom and Jerry House trap[+] Show More
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Another 11 Playstation 1 Games based on TV Shows.
Are licence video games really as bad as everyone thinks? Check out ...
Are licence video games really as bad as everyone thinks?
To a point it is a matter ...of opinion but I thought that I would find out for myself by embarking on a quest to play as many of them as I can and give you guys my thoughts. As I have recently done a Lets plays for the X Files Video game on my channel, I thought I would start with games based on TV Shows which were released for the Playstation 1 Platform,
There are a lot of games on the PS1 based on TV Shows so I will be
spreading the initial chapter of this series into three videos, each covering 10 games.
In this list we will include made for TV movies that were based on original series, and that being said here are 11 more Ps1 Games based on Tv shows
00:00 Introduction
01:40 Animaniacs Ten Pin Alley
03:17 Wacky Racers
07:07 Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue
08:37 Power Rangers Timeforce
09:45 Shameless plug
10:14 Sabrina the Teenage Witch
10:58 Bug Bunny Lost in time
13:42 Bugs and Taz Time Busters
14:41 Fantastic 4
16:31 Muppets Monster Adventure
19:34 X Men Mutant Academy
20:51 X Men Mutant Academy 2
22:21 X Men vs Street Fighter
To a point it is a matter ...of opinion but I thought that I would find out for myself by embarking on a quest to play as many of them as I can and give you guys my thoughts. As I have recently done a Lets plays for the X Files Video game on my channel, I thought I would start with games based on TV Shows which were released for the Playstation 1 Platform,
This took up the first three episodes of this series so now I thought I would change formats. So posted a pole on the channel to see what you guys wanted me to do next so. As per the very close result. Here are 12 Game boy advance games based on TV shows.
00:00 Introduction
01:35 Batman Vengeance
04:29 Batman Rise of Sin Tzu
06:35 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
09:07 Subscribe
09:34 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Battle Nexus
12:10 Spiderman Mysterio's Mayhem
13:22 Fear Factor
15:00 Power Rangers Ninja Storm
16:03 Power Rangers Wild Force
16:47 Power Rangers Time Force
17:12 Power Rangers SPD
18:01 Power Rangers Dino Thunder
18:51 Masters of the Universe
To a point it is a matter ...of opinion but I thought that I would find out for myself by embarking on a quest to play as many of them as I can and give you guys my thoughts. As I have recently done a Lets plays for the X Files Video game on my channel, I thought I would start with games based on TV Shows which were released for the Playstation 1 Platform,
This took up the first three episodes of this series so now I thought I would change formats. So posted a pole on the channel to see what you guys wanted me to do next so. As per the very close result. Here are 12 Game boy advance games based on TV shows.
00:00 Introduction
01:31 Buffy the Vampire Slayer Wrath of the Darkhul King
03:55 Pink Panther Pinkadelic Pursuit
05:23 Simpsons Road Rage
07:24 Inspector Gadget Advance Mission
08:30 Scooby Doo Cyber Mission
09:56 Scooby Doo Mystery Mayhem
11:30 Message to Subscribers
12:12 Extreme Ghostbusters Code Ecto-1
15:18 The Flinstones Big trouble in Bedrock
16:14 Justice League Injustice for All
To a point it is a matter ...of opinion but I thought that I would find out for myself by embarking on a quest to play as many of them as I can and give you guys my thoughts. This time we are looking at games based on movies on the Sega Master System platform.
Though I did not adopt the console until much later in it's life cycle, the Master System was truly and achievement by Sega and though less popular that the competition especially the NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) the Sega Master system definitely had some games so ahead of their time that they have been remade in recent years.
00:00 Introduction
02:28 The Addams Family
03:22 Alien 3
04:43 Back to the future 2 and 3
06:16 Batman Returns
07:25 Bram Stokers Dracula
08:56 Subscribe Message
09:40 James Bond the Duel
10:31 Jurassic Park
12:43 Michael Jackson's Moonwalker
13:26 Rocky
15:53 Star Wars
18:34 Terminator 2 the Arcade Game
Is THE LAST OF US, the best video game TV Show ever?
I have talked about video games adaptations at length on this channel. ...
I have talked about video games adaptations at length on this channel. When done properly it is an awesome experience to step into the shoes of Batman in Arkham Asylum, ...play though the tell tales series of the walking dead, or even experience la video game platformer based on our favourite Disney cartoon.
You would think that the material, concepts, lore and stories seen in video games would be prime material for the silver and big screens, but that is seldom the case. Yes we have seen rare gems in the form of the Netflix adaptation of the Witcher (though this draws more from the original novels than the games), The original Resident Evil movie (to a certain degree) but for every mildly enjoyable video game adaptation, there is a Doom, street fighter and Super Mario Brothers around the corner.
After so many disappointments is it any wonder why most of us will look at the next upcoming video game to movie or tv adaptation and hold our breath with a “Yeah ill believe it when I see it attitude”
Then there came the Last of us, and five episodes in, not only has the show been a faithful adaptation of the original Naughty dog release, it is a show more broadly symbolic of the current state of science fiction horror that it brings up so many questions that just beg answering.
So this is why the Last of us, is the best video game adaptation.
First off This video essay will contain major spoilers for both the last of us game and HBO series.
Now right off the bat I want to make one thing clear, I have not played through all of the Last of us Game. Due to my PS3 self destructing in 2013 and me switching over to XBOX One shortly after. Yet I have always kept a keen eye on the game, and for this video have obviously well researched the character development, themes, and events of the story and I managed to play enough of the original game to be captivated by what it had to offer.
Very few games will effect me emotionally, but “the last of us” is one of them where I had to take a step back and re-evaluate everything, before picking up the controller. For me this began with the death of Sarah. The game does such a good job at introducing the character, putting the player in control of her in the first part of the game up until the events of her death at the beginning of the outbreak.
You are brought into the world of the “last of us” with the innocence of a child. An innocence which is questioned and returned to again and again throughout both the game and the series, and the fact that we know from pre released material, previews and trailers that this is a story between Joal and Ellie, we are immediately met with a sense of foreboding by being introduced to Sarah, to the point that when her inevitable death actually occurs and we are faced with the 20 year time jump. We feel the severance and intensity of Joal’s grief. We immediately understand the change in character and we as the audience share in the devastation of a father who has lost a child.
Now this is a personal opinion, but for me over the past 20 years western culture has become absorbed in violent media, it often seemed like many shows would take the path of the most action packed or violent outcome for tv show and movie characters just to get that kick out of the audience. Yes we all loved seeming the George A Romero trend of zombie films continue in the 2000s and the bloodier the better. We ate up the post apocalyptic. We did not want hopeful science fiction, fantasy or horror, we needed to exorcise our demons so to speak. We didn’t care if our characters had the depth of a toddlers swimming pool as long as we were told who were the good guys and who were the bad guys. We coined terms such as “Walking dead villain” to describe antagonists that had no real motive other than to be shockingly brutal, often extending scenes of brutality to uncomfortable lengths, to a point where we asked if the showrunners were actively trying to traumatise the audience.
In HBOs the last of us, every act of violence seen comes coupled with a question and depiction of real world suffering, that asks the audience to question our own morality, it is a show that to me is representing an audience looking back on our obsession with violence in media over the past 20 years and asking ourselves the question “What the hell have we been doing to ourselves?”The outbreak taking place in 2003 is almost symbolic of a time where we were very much traumatised after the events of 911 and the subsequent wars in afganistan and Iraq.[+] Show More
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STAR TREK Console Games - Are they still worth plays today?
Space the final frontier, these are the voyagers of the Star ship ...
Space the final frontier, these are the voyagers of the Star ship Cymru Wales - our ongoing mission to seek out new life and new civilizations and introduce them to ...the fascinating sport of Rugby!
Taking a look back at retro star trek games
00:00 Intro
02:11 Star Trek 25th Anniversary (NES)
05:00 Star Trek the Next Generation (NES)
06:30 Star Trek the final Frontier (NES)
07:27 Star Trek Deep Space Nine Crossroads in time (Sega MD/Genesis)
10: 48 Star Trek The next generation Futures Past (SNES)
13:20 Subscriber message
14:48 Star Trek The Next Generation Spectres from the Past (Sega MD/G)
16:58 Star Trek Beyond Generations (Sega Game Gear)
19:00 Star Trek Beyond Generations (Nintendo Game Boy)
20:16 Star Trek Starfleet Academy (32X)
24:30 Star Trek Invasion (Ps1)
25:14 Star Trek Voyager Elite force (Ps2)
29:16 Star Trek Conquest (PS2)
To a point it is a matter ...of opinion but I thought that I would find out for myself by embarking on a quest to play as many of them as I can and give you guys my thoughts. This time we are looking at games based on movies on the Sega Master System platform.
Though I did not adopt the console until much later in it's life cycle, the Master System was truly and achievement by Sega and though less popular that the competition especially the NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) the Sega Master system definitely had some games so ahead of their time that they have been remade in recent years.
This time we are taking a look at games on the platform associated with Disney cartoons and movies, which produced some absolute classics.
00:00 Introduction
02:20 Aladdin
04:22 The Lion King
06:07 The Jungle Book
07:39 The Little Mermaid
08:50 Subscriber THANK YOU 🙂
09:49 Micky Mouse Castle of Illusion
12:04 The Lucky Dime Caper starring Donald Duck
13:55 Deep Duck Trouble starring Donald Duck
16:01 Micky Mouse Land of Illusion
18:45 Micky Mouse Legend of Illusion
20:27 Micky Mouse Ultimate challenge
The 5 Best Batman Video Games Based On The 1989 Movie
So for my first video back I am going to be RANKING video games based ...
So for my first video back I am going to be RANKING video games based on the 1989 BATMAN movie staring Michael Keaton as the Dark Knight and Jack ...Nicolson as the Joker. My favourite Batman Movie. This list will cover entries on home computer (Amiga), Sega Genesis (Mega Drive) NES Game Boy and Arcade.
What was your favourite batman game.
00:00 Introduction
02:38 Title
03:13 Sega Mega Drive / Genesis
06:11 Game Boy
08:32 Amiga
11:07 Arcade
14:34 NES
17:54 Closing Thoughts
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