MANDELA EFFECT PARANORMAL EXPERIMENT | MUST SEE | Connection Ascension, UFology, and more
In Short, we were using a device known as a ghost box to communicate with the spirit world, this technique is being used more widely these days, with some tremendous validation. Responses gained so far paraphrased are?
The Mandela effect is not caused by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at Cern, and they would have nothing to gain from shifting our reality, or perception of reality, the cause of the Mandela Effect is the ascension of human consciousness. Humanity is walking between worlds with it’s spirit. This process has happened before, but failed, and for that they are very sorry, but earth now is ready to move forward and humanity is waking up. There will be more discord the further on we go and there will be more differences.
The entities of which we were speaking to also showed concern for the investigation team.
Don’t spoil this project your undertaking, we don’t want it to get in the way of your happiness, Richard (the investigator in the middle and founder of Paranormal Now, is the balance). And referred to a message he had picked up earlier in the day through his psychic senses.
However the most interesting responses come when we asked who we were speaking with.
Humanity is born in this event, We are Star beings and live among the stars, there are many of us, we are here in this harmful realm to help those who live here, as your world is tyranny and your planet needs help, there is so much pain, and more to come, but it is worth the struggle as humanity is full of so much love. This time in history will be legendary to our forbearers as it will bring us closer to the cosmos. This is Humanities greatest chance for change. As Now we must break the leash from around our necks and find our purpose.[+] Show More

MANDELA EFFECT PARANORMAL EXPERIMENT | MUST SEE | Connection Ascension, UFology, and more
On the 26th of June 2017 we undertook a Paranormal experiment to see ...

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